Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Consulting
MKA International, Inc. (MKA® ) Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Consulting services, namely consulting services in the field of installation, maintenance and repair of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection and alarm systems are provided by a team of seasoned Engineers, Journeymen and Cost Estimators with years of Design and Construction experience. By using a forensic approach, we provide both realistic and practical solutions for our Clients including Insurance Companies, Law Firms, Owners, Contractors, Developers, and Designers.
Our group of qualified professionals has extensive experience in all building types, ranging from industrial to commercial and residential to institutional and agricultural facilities. Sectors of the building, construction and equipment industries serviced include hospitals, educational, science and technology, wastewater treatment and water purification, power generation & distribution, cleanroom technologies, petrochemical and mining systems.
Our MEP group has global experience providing Clients with analysis, assessment, and cost evaluations for Property Damage, Salvage and/or Repair, Subrogation and Construction Defects in mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection and alarm systems.
Not only do we perform many of the tests required to determine the cause, but we also make sure to utilize independent testing facilities. Doing this benefits our Clients by providing them with a more individualized approach based on a particular field of interest. This is particularly relevant for materials performance and composition testing. Our MEP Engineers and Consultants are part of the larger MKA team and therefore have access to a host of complementary talent. Such professions include Building Technology Consultants & Architects, Civil/Structural Engineers, Construction Consultants, Construction Cost Estimators, Environmental & Restoration Consultants, Fire & Electrical Forensic Consultants, Geologists & Geotechnical Engineers, Construction Schedule & Delay Consultants, and Roof Consultants that exist in our company and are conveniently located in 24 fully-staffed offices in all major metropolitan areas across the United States.