Sugar Land, TXThe Project
This project involved a failed structural truss that caused a portion of a Vietnamese Buddhist temple to collapse in Sugar Land, Texas. The affected section spanned approximately 7,000 square feet. The temple was a single-story, wooden-framed structure with manufactured wood roof trusses founded on a concrete slab-on-grade.
The Challenge
MKA was tasked with providing an estimate for repairs including code upgrades. The challenge of this project was less about the estimate itself and more about the bedside manner and temperament throughout the entire process. For religious significance, it was crucial to salvage certain elements of the temple from the collapse. These included the roof ornaments and a statue of Buddha.
The Solution
MKA worked closely with the temple and the engineer. We brought in a Demolition Contractor to develop a plan to save certain items from the building prior to demolition of the structure. MKA also developed bid packages for General Contractors to provide proposals for the rebuild.
The Result
MKA fully grasped the bedside manner required to keep ongoing communication between the Demolition Contractor and the Insured. The Client received recognition from the Chairman of the Vietnamese Buddhist, thanking him for the services and professionalism provided throughout the project’s process.